第2回本物の京文化を味わう会『三道の交わり』(Kyoto Culture Festival ’19)

ご協力・ご後援 Sponsored by the city government and companies


Performance and Explanation by professionals of (1)Tea ceremony (2)Ikebana (3)Traditional calligraphy.
You can also see Maiko dancing to live music and take photos with them.

Qualified traditional craftspeople will get together and they will offer you exhibitions of their sophisticated works and also many have-a-go activities.


This event is designed for you to experience traditional culture in Kyoto. Please feel free to take photos of every content and to talk to the Maiko-san and craftspeople there. Understanding the three art fields (Tea, Ikebana, Calligraphy), underlying deeply in everyday life in Kyoto, will give you a grasp of Kyoto culture.

昨年度の概観 general view of event in 2018
(Click here for the previous event)

内容としましては、 (Details)


3つの芸術の先生が一堂に集まり、生け花・お点前・書の実演を解説付きで行います。また、 「三道の紹介」「三道の交わりとそれを用いた季節の味わい方」「伝統芸術の未来」 についても公開討論をします。           

(1) Performance and Symposium from three art fields: Calligraphy, Ikebana, Tea ceremony. The topics are as follows: introduction of three art fields (10:30-11:00); the interaction of each field and how we can savour seasons themselves and their transitions (13:40-14:30); traditional art in future (15:30-16:20).

  • 書道:田上 鐵牛氏(東大寺学園高等学校常勤講師)
  • 華道:徳持 拓也氏 (華道教授)
  • 茶道:加藤 宗貴氏 (慶應義塾大学非常勤講師)
打ち合わせの風景 preparation for the symposium

②伝統工芸の展示、体験 Exhibition and Experiences


体験蒔絵京くみひも (かざり) 、清水焼絵付京繍和ろうそく絵付水引金箔押真田紐京印章尺八、三味線、拓本。

Experience: japan(makie), braid(kumihimo), metal art(kazari), pottery painting(kiyomizu-yaki), sewing(kyo-nui), candle painting, paper art(mizuhiki), gold stamping, band-making(sanadahimo), stamp-creation(kyo-insho), Shakuhachi (classic flute), ink impression


Exhibition: bamboo craft, Japanese cake, vase, bowl, mounting, gardening, tatami carpet, karakami-paper

(左)金粉が押された仏像 (右上)蒔絵の棗 (右下)水引きの鳳凰
Lt. Golden Buddha statue, UR: techniques of ‘japan (Makie),’ LR: Chinese phoenix (paper art)

をどり(traditional dance by Maiko)・お茶席 (Tea seat)

(地方) 伴 英将 尺八
     小林佐代子 三味線 唄

Two Maiko-san, Ichiyuu and Momika, will show you classical dancing with the music live played by Van Eyshow (Shakuhachi, traditional flute) and Sayoko Kobayashi (Shamisen, classic guitar).

【プログラム Programme】
10:30 – 11:00 公開討論 「三道の紹介」
11:00 – 11:20 華道の実演 (Ikebana performance)
11:25 – 11:55 茶道の実演 (Tea ceremony)
12:00 – 12:25 書道の実演 (Calligraphy performance)
13:40 – 14:30 公開討論 「三道の交わりとそれを用いた季節の味わい方」
14:30 – 15:10 お茶席 Tea seat
15:15 – 15:30 をどり Traditional dance by Maiko
15:30 – 16:20 公開討論「伝統芸術の未来」  

  • 日時:2019年7月13日(土)10:00~16:30(途中入退場自由)
  • 会場:ホテル日航プリンセス京都3階宴会場
  • 入場料(学生・25歳以下):1000円(お茶席込み1500円)     
  • 前売りは下のリンクよりお願いします。            

Date&Time: 13th July (sat) 10:00-16:30
(anytime to come, anytime to leave. reentry ok.)
Place: Hotel Nikko Princess Kyoto (princess-kyoto.co.jp)
Entrance: 1000 JPY for students or under 26
3800 JPY for others



You can make a reservation from the button above. Otherwise, you can send us (1)name (2)number of participants (3)e-mail address by contacting us kyotoculture.youngergeneration@gmail.com


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