漆・蒔絵 Urushi(Lacqer)&Makie(japan)

Urushi lacquer is said to date back more before than 400 B.C.. Handcrafts using Urushi and Makie technique have been called ‘japan,’ highly esteemed abroad. You will find Makie elsewhere in Japan -tea ceremony items, boxes, chopsticks, and so on. The combination of gold/silver and Raden (shell) is very magnificent.

Besides exhibition of Makie artworks, Sato Kiyomatsu Shoten co., ltd. offers you experiencing Makie. First you will write letters or draw pictures on a plate, and then sprinkle gold and silver powder. Do not worry for lacquer poisoning- we offer plastic gloves and MR Urushi, which the company has developed, has less allergen.