京くみひも Kyo-Kumihimo (braid)

帯締め Fastening band


Kumihimo (braid) is already found in Nara-period (710-784) and has been used for Sageo (Japanese sword sheath) and Kacchu ( samurai armour). Kyo-Kumihimo dates back to Heian-era (794-1192) and nowadays is often used for fastening band for Kimono. Hand-made Kumihimo is by far excellent in fastening because skilled craftmakers add appropriate looseness to bands.


Kazuko Yuki, a traditional craftswoman will guide you making a Kumihimo strap. She thinks so highly of the dying process of strings that there are so many wooden bobbin in her workplace. “Do not waste any single string. We make the most of it,” she says.

体験の様子 Experience scene


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